Maximize Employee Engagement & Health With Work Unlocked

Give your colleagues superpowers with the help of the right tools designed by organizational psychologists and trusted by the world’s most admired employers.

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Who we work with

We Have Proudly Unlocked Over 100 Workplaces

We partner with forward-thinking small and medium-sized companies that place their people at the heart of their operations. Together, we embark on a journey to craft tailor-made, psychology-backed strategies that ignite high performance, engagement, and motivation.

Global Organizations Turn To Us When They Encounter These Pressing Employee Challenges

Languishing Engagement

Leading to a dip in motivation, productivity, and performance.

Mounting Workload
& Stress

Triggering burnout, conflicts, and a chorus of complaints.

Absenteeism & Presenteeism Surges

Posing a hurdle in retaining employees for the long haul.

Leadership Gaps

Failing to support employees’ health and needs.

Things We’Re Kick-Ass At

How We Supercharge Employee Happiness And Unlock Success With Proven ‘Big-Player’ Initiatives

Employee Well-being Services

All-inclusive services encompassing a company-wide employee health and burnout audit, psychology-backed strategies, action plans, and workshops to maximize employee health and motivation.

Employee Engagement Services

All-inclusive services comprising a company-wide employee engagement audit, psychology-backed strategies, action plans, and workshops to maximize employee performance and retention.

Employee Experience Services

All-inclusive services incorporating a company-wide employee experience audit, psychology-backed strategies, and employer branding initiatives aimed at unlocking a psychologically healthy culture and an exceptional workplace.

Workplace Happiness Services

A set of employee engagement and well-being strategies tailored to maximize employee happiness. This service is exactly what you need if you are looking for an end-to-end solution to either transform your workplace or establish solid people-centered practices.

Employee Counseling (EAP)

Provide your employees and leaders with 24/7 access to skilled psychologists for anonymous, chat-based discussions about work-related issues. Additionally, unlock our extensive library of employee happiness resources and supporting tools.
Get your FREE consultation

Develop a plan with our specialists to address your employee happiness needs

Why Work Us - Work Unlocked
Unlocking Your Success

Why Work With Us

At Work Unlocked, we understand how busy you are, so did the work for you. Whether you’re an established business seeking to enhance employee engagement, performance, and well-being, or a startup just beginning, our team of experts has the perfect solution for your needs!

Your Trusted Go-To Partner

The Expert HR Consultancy for Employee Engagement & Health

At Work Unlocked, we pride ourselves on providing tailored employee-centered solutions that consistently deliver outstanding results to meet your specific business needs. 

With deep expertise in human behavior and workplace dynamics, our psychologists apply a holistic approach, seamlessly integrating the latest research in psychology and organizational development to design and implement high-impact solutions.

Expert HR for Employee Engagement and Health – About Work Unlocked
Unlocking Value

Your ROI With Work Unlocked

Work Unlocked delivers proven, quantifiable results that transcend company size, geographical location, and industry. Here’s how we drive meaningful impact:


Faster Results

Within just six weeks of implementation, 80% of our clients report experiencing significant improvements in employee engagement and well-being.


Cost Savings

On average, companies that partner with us report an approximate 30% reduction in turnover costs.


Higher Performance

A more engaged and healthy workforce translates to increased productivity, motivation, and even higher customer satisfaction.


Better Health

Seventy percent of our partners report significant improvements in workplace stress reduction, employee resilience, and their ability to cope with high workloads.

Here's What Our Partners
Say About Us

Download our FREE 60-Page Guide With 20 Employee Engagement Best Practices & Strategies

Get access to actionable to-dos, helpful templates, and insights into the psychological factors that drive employee engagement, performance, and retention.

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Download our FREE 60-Page Guide With 20 Employee Engagement Best Practices & Strategies

What are you waiting for? Get started today! Get access to actionable to-dos, helpful templates, and insights into the psychological factors that drive employee engagement, performance, and retention.